السبت 31 آذار (مارس) 2012

Palestine Land Day solidarity protest for Jerusalem - London

السبت 31 آذار (مارس) 2012

[!Approximately 1,000 protested at the «Israeli» Embassy in solidarity with the Global March to Jerusalem against the destruction of Palestinian life and culture by Israeli expansion. Opposing them were a small group of people waving «Israeli» flags.

Around a thousand protested at the Israeli Embassy in solidarity with the Global March to Jerusalem against the destruction of Palestinian life and culture there by Israeli expansion. Opposing them were a small group waving «Israeli» flags.

The protest was called by the Palestinian Forum in Britain, Association of Palestinian Community, Muslim Association of Britain, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, Islamic Forum in Europe, British Muslim Initiative, Viva Palestina and Friends of Al-Aqsa and was well supported with many Muslims and non-Muslims crowded behind barriers that stretched over a hundred yards along the pavement.

They were there to show solidarity with the million people who are expected to march towards Jerusalem, and protests were taking place outside Israeli embassies around the world. The march is “in opposition to Israel’s ethnic cleansing, racism and apartheid against Palestinians in Jerusalem. It is an international and multi-faith endeavour, welcoming support from all nations, and all faiths – whether Muslim, Jewish, Christian or of any other religion or none.”

Ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem is intended to bring an end to Palestinian life and culture in the city, and is taking place through the demolition of Palestinian homes, building of illegal« Israeli» settlements, the expulsion of thousands of Palestinians from the city and the removal of residency rights, as well as restrictions and blocking of entry to the city which stops many Palestinians from worshiping in their holy places there.

A huge cheer went up from the crowd when they were joined by the anti-Zionist ultra-orthodox Jews of Neturei Karta. As well as much pro-Palestine chanting there were also a number of powerful speeches, including those of Lindsey German of Stop the War and Jeremy Corbyn MP as well as speakers from Muslim and Palestinian organisations.

When I arrived small group of protesters in a pen 20 yards down the road were displaying banners with the Union Flag and a St George Cross overlaid by a Star of David with the text ’British Christians Love Israel’. Later they all seemed to be waving Israeli flags. Police kept the two groups apart, and warned a number of demonstrators and photographers but I saw no arrests.

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